Our Approach

HENCH is the first and only gym that teaches strength training one-on-one in a group environment, with individual programming and reserved equipment. As pioneers in Small-Group Strength Training (SGST), we have continually innovated to become renowned experts at putting the evolving needs of each member first to achieve their personal goals whilst nurturing a thriving community that champions personal progress and collective support.

Real World Strength

Physical appearance is often a driving factor for people to work out, but by focusing on improving overall strength, movement, and fitness, you will look better and feel better in your day-to-day life and be ready tackle everyday physical challenges like carrying a child, running for a bus, moving furniture, carrying groceries, climbing a mountain - the demands of being human.

Training On Purpose

We encourage our members to commit to their training handle the principle of progressive overload take care of the rest. When this is dovetailed with developing autonomy and connecting your deeper purpose for training with what you do in the gym, you’ll remain driven to keep increasing the intensity, volume, or complexity of training sessions over extended periods to stimulate continuous progress. Consistency, the key when it comes to achieving your fitness goals becomes the by-product of this.

Mastering The Basics

We believe in mastering fundamental movements and exercises while keeping even variety in there to keep things fun and fresh. Rather than constantly changing routines or overloading workouts with too many sets, we focus on mastering core exercises and ensuring proper technique, which leads to more effective and efficient progress. Mastery is a continuum which must be managed to continue your rate of progress as you become more experienced and your needs change.

Enjoy The Ride!

Training is fun; training partners can become lifelong friends, so enjoy the journey! We also believe a strong sense of community and the right environment can play a vital role in forming and maintaining habits to achieve fitness goals. Our team and members are sound, down to earth people who despite leading busy lives all get stuck in and have a laugh during sessions as well as when it comes to our community social events.

HENCH Belfast gym

Training, Recovery and Life

Pushing yourself during workouts is important but adequate rest and recovery is key. The IR Sauna pictured is the icing on the cake here, but we advocate a performance lifestyle where rest is balanced with training and life. Our training programs are designed to balance the demands of needle-moving 60 minute training sessions with some complimentary tools such as the Cryospa and IR Sauna to maximise results, minimising the risk of overtraining and enjoy the experience.

HENCH Belfast gym

Habits Drive Progress

Evidence based Nutrition Coaching means that we don't promote restrictive diets or fads, and encourage our members to adopt a sustainable and balanced approach to nutrition that supports their training and well-being. Nutrition plays a critical role in overall health and fitness, but is so often approached in a way that's at odds to proven research about how we form behaviours and habits.

Stronger For Life

We'll take the guesswork out of strength training. You achieve your unique goals.

Our Principles

Our philosophy is not just about lifting weights but by building lifestyle of strength that transcends the gym's four walls and affects every aspect of life. We believe strength is for everyone, and our mission is to help you become your strongest version.

Train For Life

Your work in the gym should make your life outside it easier. Building physical and mental strength makes overcoming the inevitable obstacles and challenges life throws at us all easier with confidence, resilience and perspective.

HENCH Belfast gym

Build Resilience

Training the body also trains the mind. By committing to a consistent strength training routine you'll not only transform your physique but also develop mental toughness, discipline, and determination.

Long Game

Success in fitness and life is built on a foundation of good habits. We focus on sequencing your journey to make building healthy habits that become integral to your daily routine fairly intuitive, with ultimately ensure long-term progress in the dacades to come (touch wood.)

Growth Mindset

Through hard work and dedication, you can achieve more than you ever thought possible by stacking the evidence high enough that your self-limiting beliefs begin to crumble. We'll guide you unlock your potential and redefine your own limits far from the gym and into the future. Our members tell us their stories about this on a daily basis, and it fires us up!

Swim Downstream

Perfection is an unattainable goal, but continuous progress is very achievable with a flexible and enjoyable approach. We focus on daily and weekly incrimental improvements rather than striving for an unreachable ideal or goal in an unrealistic timeframe.

HENCH Belfast Gym

Evidence Based

Out team are qualified, experienced and committed to providing accurate and trustworthy information that's proven to work. We're very careful about what we teach our members and the wider fitness community in an era of worsening body image and misinformation. Training correctly to look and feel your best needs to be approached properly, and we're constantly refining how we coach, interact and lead each other.

Find Your Why

Purpose is one of the driving forces behind a fulfilling life, and being intrinsically motivated to change. Connect your purpose with you train, then you can commit to and enjoy getting after it with determination.